Blog For The 3rd Day - Time Based Media

Alexander McGill 

 January 6th, 2022

 Today we started the day by watching tutorials and building a maze on Blender. It was pretty rough in the beginning because a lot of people couldn't download the Blender Game engine, but once we figured that out, it was pretty good. To make the maze, we had to build it and actually script our character to move. So it was pretty tough, but in the end we all got it and they turned out well. 

Here is a maze that Aurora made using Blender game engine. 

After that, we went to the MFA, where we did some more 3D scanning, and learned about time based media. Time based media is a work of art that unfolds over time. We saw a few examples of this at the museum, and they were all really interesting. We saw one that really connected to us because it was extremely detailed digitally rendered trees swaying in the wind (Fig 1). We could make a piece of art similar to that in Blender, by modeling the trees and programing the animation. Another one, which was my personal favorite, was weights connected to thin wires that moved together in unison (Fig 2). 

(Fig 1)

(Fig 2)

After lunch, we went back to the museum to do scanning and plan more on our final project. We split up into groups and went around the museum scanning mostly sculptures, in order to incorporate them into our shared Blender game, which we plan to be our final project.  

Here is a 3D scan that I did of a sculpture found in the museum. I think it turned our pretty well, and others in my group got even better scans then I did.  

Overall, today was very interesting. Time based media was really cool and seeing examples of it at the museum was probably the highlight of the day for me. Making mazes in Blender was also cool, and although it was frustrating at times, it was worth it at the end when I finally did it and completed my own maze. I'm looking forward to next week when we will begin our final project. 


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